Thursday, December 3, 2015


At the beginning of the semester I had a few goals that I was hoping I would be able to reach. First I wanted to become better with grammar and punctuation. Second I wanted to learn how to better round out my sentence structures and improve the flow of my writing. I feel like I accomplished two of my goals with grammar and punctuation still needing some work.
While writing my research paper I came across a wealth of information that I was unaware of, including but not limited to: the route that drugs take on their way into the U.S. and other parts of the world, the cost in human life and the cost to tax payers that the war on drugs demands. It was my first time using scholarly articles and I found a good amount of information from sources like EBSCO. One source in particular that I found very interesting was VICE, simply because they have a ton of information from all over the world on many different subjects.
I am proud of my paper in general and no particular parts stand out to me. As far as my writing is concerned I feel good about my ability to present facts in a readable way and tell a coherent story.
I really enjoyed the research process, looking up information and analyzing it and then finding the best way to present it. Initially I did have some problems finding information but once I found one source the rest were easy to track down. I would say that while I was doing the majority of my research I was spending about two to three hours, three days a week, on it and another two hours a day on the writing part of it. I feel like the amount of time that I put into the paper was appropriate for the length and subject of the paper.

All in all I feel like this was a very good experience and will help me in the future, not only with school but with my career.  

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