Saturday, March 12, 2016

Essay Evaluation

Policy Claims:  What should be done?
My essay is trying to determine what should be done about participation awards, that is why I chose to rely heavily on policy claims. The substantiation and evaluation claims would not have been able to effectively support my position the way that policy claims do. When I do my revisions, I do not plan on adding substantiation or evaluation claims, instead I will stick to just my policy claims.  

Ethos, Pathos and Logos:
Throughout my essay, I used all three persuasion techniques. Instead of utilizing all three techniques equally, I relied heavily on logos and ethos. I wanted to create an argument that is logical and ethical, instead of an argument that is emotional. In my revision stage, I think that I may go back through and add some more logos, because I believe that would be most effective in creating my argument.

-Adding more statistics

-Adding more of my first hand observations

Clayton Peppler

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