Sunday, April 17, 2016

Chapter 30 & 32

Personal Reaction: I liked chapter thirty and thirty-two as I feel that they have prepared me to write my research paper. Most of this information is review, but some of the strategies are new to me. I look forward to applying these chapters to my research process.   

Professional Reaction: Chapter thirty is all about planning your research project. The first step is to find a topic that intrigues you. You must develop a focused research question, one that you will use to guide your research. Once your topic is final, it is time to narrow in on a specific area of interest. Make sure that your topic is neither too broad nor too narrow. Next, you must choose what types of resources that you are going to utilize (opinions/statistics/facts/etc.). To manage the project, you must record your information, start a research archive and create a schedule. If you follow these steps, you will be able to effectively write out your research project. Chapter thirty-two is all about finding sources. There are several places to find information including: on the internet, the school library and in the field. When using the internet, make sure that you choose a credible search engine. Use keywords and limitations to find exact information. The library has many different resources including databases, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and companions, government documents, atlases, biographical sources, bibliographies, special materials and so much more. When looking for information in the field, you may want to interview, observe, or use questionnaires.  

- Clayton Peppler

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