1. Discuss:

B. It is hard to really complete this step without the rest of my group mates. However, I was inspired the change the color palette a bit of the blog. Without my group I would not do it, but comparing their colors to ours makes outs feel much harder on the eyes.
2. Plan:
The biggest change I would want to make is the color scheme. If it were up to me, it would be changed to something more subtle. I do like the color, it just is hard to have as the whole screen, maybe we could invert the colors and have the background a white or light color and the text as a dark read, I think that would make it easier to look at for more time without strain from the red.
3. Write:
TECHNOGORGE, from first view, is beautiful. The colors are not only suited with each other but they are also easy on the eyes and the computer monitor. I liked the fonts they chose, however I felt that the titles were too large for the size of the body text. The page feels very nice, it is not too busy. In fact, it may not be busy enough. A few things I would hoped to have found seemed to be missing. One that stood out most was the lack of the authors, or any real explanation of the blogs purpose apart from a small subtitle that reads "Wasting Time in the 21st Century". Apart from those two, there are apparently no tabs that would really be worth while clicking. The only tabs relevant to the blog are the recent posts ones and those posts are all at the beginning of the webpage itself.
This blog does an overall good job of meeting the blog quality criteria. Apart from the few things that I've noted missing, they seem to do a very good job making sure it has what it needs to be respectable and informative. They have fonts that are easy to read, and authors who can write well. They seem to lack visuals for most of their posts (either they aren't there, or you have to 'read more' to see them), I think visuals are very important and the fact that this blog has so few makes it feel too wordy.
Overall, I liked this blog. It's better than expected for people our age. The things that are missing don't really take away from the content of the blog itself, but more the ease-of-use of the blog. I think the blog looks and feels modern and I think it would have appeal to the audience they seem to be reaching for. Apart from the few things they overlooked, they did an exceptional job.
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