Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Blog review


Discuss: I decided to fallow "Aliens Three". I enjoyed the layout of the page especially the ease of navigation with in the blog itself. The blog was simple yet elegant and aesthetically pleasing. I liked the use of color specifically the use of more then one color. I think that the name they chose is great. Some of the writing I found to be somewhat unengaging but well done.

Plan: I believe that we could improve our blog would be to change the the color scheme to include multiple colors. I will have to speak with the other members of my group to see if they feel likewise and would be up for the change.I don't know how to do this so I would also have to ask one of the other members to help me with this task.

My review: I liked the blog for it simplicity of use and it's beauty. The only thing I think might improve the blog is a little communication between blog mates so that they don't put the same pictures up on different blogs.

Lucas Calderon

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