Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Mini Essay Backwards Outline

Talk about personal experience, and how he fails to follow the trend of how 'powerful' people communicate.
"But even the most garbled and indecipherable of them are saying something, and what they have to say is, in terms of social status, a bummer."
Support Point:
They do it on purpose to show power and to claim status.
Support Point:
Times have changes, people used to pride themselves on good education whereas now it's not as valued.
Support Point:
How it can come back to negatively affect you and your business/company.
Counter Argument:
People think it's hip and cool to appear this way, they want to seem powerful.
"Which only confirms what I've always felt about power: that the people who really understand it don't say anything at all."

- Eugenia, Summer, Clayton, Lucas, Kristen
photo: buycheapchannelessay.com

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