Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chapter 3 - Lucas Calderon


Personal Reaction to Chapter 3
In my opinion the chapter was interesting and informative. Introductions have always been an area of much difficulty for me and thus I found that section of the chapter to be very useful. Likewise, I think the concepts of coherency and keeping a logical and smoothly flowing sentence by using pronouns, referring to key words and transitions were also helpful to me. Personally I had a hard time reading the excerpt from George Orwell’s “Shooting an Elephant”. It was difficult for me to read it from a writer’s perspective because it was painful from a personal perspective.

Professional Reaction to Chapter 3
This chapter contained not only useful but well worded explanations and examples of writing tools to help the student better understand the structure and construction of, a thesis, an introduction, a paragraph, conclusion and forming a formal outline. Structurally this chapter was put together well. In congruence with the chapter’s outline, it presented well-organized and structurally succinct information. Writers are responsible for their choices of topics and material in their work, which are conveyed through various aspects of the arrangement and congruent structural components of their work. Furthermore, it is essential for the authors to convey their understanding of the various parts of an essay to their audience, which is achieved through the structural elements of the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Throughout the different components of an essay, the authors are responsible for the effective communication of their tone, structural arrangement, and supporting evidence in order to ultimately convince their audience of their main argument and thesis.

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