Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Chapter Seventeen

Personal Reaction: Chapter seventeen is all about how to avoid plagiarism as well as how to incorporate the information from your sources into your essay. I found this chapter to be very straightforward and easy to understand, with ideas and topics that I have seen over and over again. One thing that was new to me was the topic synthesizing, a word that I have never heard of before reading the chapter.

Professional Reaction: There are three ways to use a sources information in your own personal writing: paraphrasing, summarizing and quotation; each of which only includes the information from the source not the writers personal impute. Paraphrasing and summarizing are putting the information into your own words while quotation uses exact language. When you either paraphrase, summarize or quote information, a good way to introduce the information is with an identifying phrase. This identifying phrase can go either before, after or in the middle of the sentence. Synthesizing is a major topic in the chapter, which can easily be defined as the combination of paraphrases, summaries and quotes. When you synthesize, you use material from the source along with your own ideas. There are two types of plagiarism, intentional and unintentional. To avoid plagiarism, make sure that you identify the source, place borrowed words in quotation marks, use your own wording and distinguish between your own ideas and the ideas from the source.

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